We do NOT provide support for catch up or recording.

ApolloGroup has a better solution than playing a channel without your control:

- We provide a library of over 10,000 Movies, and 1,200 Full TV Shows (With their whole seasons and episodes), and it keeps growing all the time.

- The VOD content of ours is the biggest you have ever seen, and you have subtitles for multiple langues!!

- All our VOD content uses high quality Audio and Video, all our movies are H264 Full HD, with Dolby Digital AC3, with 5.1.

- All our VOD content is searchable, and has info of the content with pictures and trailer.

- All our VOD content you are able to seek forward and backward, and choose the episode or season you desire.

And this is the reason why with us you will never want to go back to 24/7 catch up channels.